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Become A Member!

Join us in our mission to protect and preserve the beautiful trails, rivers, and nature of our community. Your membership with Spirit of the Woods Conservation Club is both rewarding and vital to the success of our conservation efforts. Together, we can make a difference!

We are happy to provide our 43 acres of forest to the public free of cost because of your donation via membership. Thank you for all that you do to support us!

Membership Application & Dues Report

Make a $35 dollar payment for membership at Spirit of the Woods

For the Year January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024. 

SWCC is a 501C-3 Organization, Dues may be tax deductible. 

Remember, these dues purchase you nothing, but they make you responsible for keeping the waters and land of this great region clean and environmentally safe. It is this responsibility that makes each of you a CONSERVATIONIST. Keep up the good work!

Please join us on the 4th Wednesday of each month for a board meeting discussing our continued progress at SWCC.

Online Membership Application now available! 

Membership Application 2024

Select Below

Our Board Members

Board Member Directors

Kelsey Taylor

Kris Steinberg

Ruth Carrey

Ramona DeGeorgio-Venegas

Linda Albee

Mike Phillips

Our Donors

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